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Nombre de messages : 2925
Age : 40
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2006

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MessageSujet: Our terms   Our terms EmptyMer 14 Avr 2010 - 18:46

You will find here very important points for us!

Thank you to read everything!

If there's a point you don't understand for sure, please let me now by mailing me! Wink

1- The kittens may be adopted around their six weeks, because it is at this age that they are weaned physically and socially.

2- The kittens are not intended to finish in snakes food! It is amongst other things for this reason that I ask for a participation.

3- I wish to have news regularly, and more particularly before and during high events of their life, for example breeding, but also - if unfortunately it happened - in case of disease. I think that to have news every 2-3 months with a little photo, even by e-mail, is not to much to ask, and it's really important to me, particularly to do a good follow-up of the line!
The follow-up is done on the site, a category is created for each litter, with one post by kitten, where the adopting can add news and pictures of its little one over the months and throughout his growth.
This is why I ask to the adopting family to register on my website, so far as possible, of course; So the adopting can post news himself and check on the post of the siblings!

4. If by any bad luck the kitten has to come to die before his 21th month from indeterminate cause, we ask you highly to do an autopsy, for you, for us and for the follow-up of the line. An autopsy does not cost a lot, and if the price is an issue, you may still ask for a participation from our side.

5- If you want to breed the kitten, I ask you highly to speak of this possibility with me before the reservation. Then, I want to be warned BEFORE the coupling, so I can approve it after checking if there is no known issue in the line, if the line is not too extended, if there is no chance of consanguinity and if your kitten fits to the best conditions of breeding, i. e. minimum 5 full months at the time of the first meeting and 250gr (maximum 8 months) for a female, minimum 1 full year at the time of the first meeting and 500gr for a male.

6- This condition is worth, obviously, only if your kitten were one of those having the right to breed! Indeed, according to the litters, and in order to preserve the lines and to avoid exaggeratedly extending them and to avoid the risk not to have a good follow-up of those any more, all the kitten could not be potential breeders!
The agreement of breeding is worth only for one and single effective litter. A second litter might be authorized, on request only, but will be discussed only when the occasion will occur!

7- If you have my consent, at the announcement of the litter, I ask you to put the stud affix BGS to the front of the kitten's name, so I can more easily keep track of the line.

8- I will also have a say and veto (if and only if this veto is justified and argued!) about the choice of future adopters, as well as the allocation of reproductive rights, limited of course!

9- In case of external breeding, several conditions may be added by the owner of th other rat.
The future adopters will be chosen by him and myself, as well as the future breeders.

10- If for any reasons you have to give up a kitten, please contact me first to find the best solution together - either his come back here, or the choice of a new family.
I don't allow re-homing for breeding!

11- You are “morally committed” at the time you make the reservation: you may obviously still change opinion (either on the kitten or on the fact not adopting at all), but I dare to hope that at three days of the real adoption, you will not change your mind! Think of the poor abandoned kitten who suddenly "homeless"!

12- For the adopters who need a carpool for picking up their kitten, participation will be advanced by the person performing the transport, or will be given before that date. And this is to avoid me to always have to send out reminders to adopters to be repaid several months later. As explained in the section related to it, greater participation will be asked if we bring ourselves the kitten in his new family, and if the journey is made only for this purpose.

13 – For underage adopter, written proof of parental consent is asked, as well as their contact informations, in order to avoid unwanted effects from them for the kitten and for the adopter! I want to leave the kitten in good hands, with responsible people and do not want to risk he finishes in the park or at best in a shelter!

14 - My decision on your adoption of a kitten depends in part on your answers to the short questionnaire, but also my feeling ... I want to be sure of the seriousness of your request (not a toy!) and future living conditions of the kitten. I will then forward my msn address (or other means of dialogue ..) if you want to speak more freely with me!

15 - Following several requests for adoption that I refused, I add this point: the kitten must have at least one cage mate. Rats are social animals who do not like loneliness and thrives best in contact with others .. even if adopting take good care of him, I do not like the idea of a single kitten in his cage...

16 - I reserve the right to refuse and / or cancel a reservation if problems arise with the future adopter, and that as soon as possible in order not to disappoint him!

17 - The advance bookings are possible, but if no further confirmation, no dialog, has been exchanged within two weeks of final adoption, I will ask for your confirmation by email. In case of non-answer within 48 hours, I will consider the booking as canceled.

18 – Fall for him (or her)!!!

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