Les Rat-Bougris
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 Questionary for the future adopting families

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Nombre de messages : 2925
Age : 40
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2006

Questionary for the future adopting families Empty
MessageSujet: Questionary for the future adopting families   Questionary for the future adopting families EmptySam 17 Avr 2010 - 13:06

If you are interested by a kitten, first read my terms...
Then, answer those few questions BY E-MAIL ONLY, so that I can keep a trace of it, please!


1- Who are you?
-First Name:
-Last Name:
- Age:
- Address:
- Nickname(s):
- E-Mail Address:
- Web Site/Blog/Forum:
Make a short presentation

2- Do you or did you already own rats? If yes, how many and which gender? Since how long do you have some?

3- Can you supply for all the cares, the food and the love for the kitten's good physical and mental development? (Think of the veterinary expenses if problems occurred!)

4- Which will be the life conditions of the kitten? (cage, other rats)

5- Do you wish to breed him or her?

If yes:
- Why?
- Did you already breed once?
- The breeders are limited on each litter then you do not automatically have one of them! Would you still wish to adopt in spite of it?

6- Do you have the possibility of coming to pick him up? If no, do you need and have a carpool?

7- Do you commit yourself to give me regular news, such as I ask it in my terms? It means a lot to me...

8- Did you read and are you in agreement with my terms, my way of doing concerning the list of pre-reservation, the policy of the rattery as well as the contribution to be given?

Off course, the answers to this questionary can not be confirmed, so I count on your honesty and your respect towards me... and yourself!

Thank you in advance!
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