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 My commitment

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Nombre de messages : 2925
Age : 40
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2006

My commitment Empty
MessageSujet: My commitment   My commitment EmptySam 17 Avr 2010 - 13:08

if the conditions are fulfilled on your side to adopt a kitten, on my side I commit myself:

- to let you adopt a kitten in good health or to warn you if it is not the case.

- to feed him healthily, and taking care of his good development, by stimulate him by the play and by handling him daily.

- to provide you - ideally by msn or email - the informations on the parents and your future kitten which you'll wish to have, as well as picture him as often as possible to allow you to follow his growth and progress!

(Do not hesitate to ask, I understand the “photo-addicts" perfectly!!! I am one myself! ^^ )
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