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 Pre-reservation list: how does it works?

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Nombre de messages : 2925
Age : 40
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2006

Pre-reservation list: how does it works? Empty
MessageSujet: Pre-reservation list: how does it works?   Pre-reservation list: how does it works? EmptySam 17 Avr 2010 - 13:13

A pre-reservation list is opened for each litter, as soon as the litter is announced.
This list is not on forums, to avoid the errors from one forum to another, but is preciously established on paper…

This list is not fina,l of course, and does not force you to adopt one or another kitten… nor to even adopt a kitten at all!

It's only to have an idea on the number of adopting families, and so that really interested people do not pass after someone else inadvertently!

So you could simply say that you are interested (by e-mail only), and IF you have already a more precise idea (of course that can change with the arrival of the hairs and the opening of the eyes!!), your preferences for the sex, the number, the type of hairs and drawing which you would wish…

I really insist: it is not to force you to adopt one of them, but only to establish a chronological order among the potential future adopting and thereby not to prejudice those who look at them growing and become attached to them already!

I add a point, following stress of some adopting who made me very quickly a request, but with whom I immediately could not speak about it:
You are on this list since the moment of your request! Even if I have not been able yet to discuss it with you, the chronological order is established since this moment!
So while discussing together, or by reading your answer to my questionnary you do not correspond to what I wait from the adopting, it will be then still time to withdraw you from the list!
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Pre-reservation list: how does it works?
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